Data Protection Privacy Notice for Patients
Our Practice Privacy Notices explain what information we collect about you, how we store this information, how long we retain it and with whom and for which legal purpose we may share it. The documents can be downloaded here:
Access to a Deceased Patients Record
General Practice Data for Planning and Research
GP Practice Privacy Notice NHS Digital
We are providing data to NHS Digital as part of the General Practice Data for Planning and Research data collection, so that patient data can be used to help improve everyone's health and care. Under data protection law we must tell you about how we use your personal information. Please see General Practice Data for Planning and Research, GP Practice Privacy Notice for further information.
National Data Opt Out Policy including Opt Out Preference Form.
Freedom of Information
Information relevant to our surgery under the Freedom of Information Act can be provided. Please contact the Practice Manager.
Child Health Information Departments
Child Health Information Departments are NHS services responsible for keeping some basic information about children’s health such as vaccinations they have been given. This is to help health professionals like GPs make sure children get their vaccinations on time.
A single Child Health Information System (CHIS) is now in operation for the whole of the West Midlands.
Confidentiality for the under 16 Year Olds
Your Doctor, Nurses and Health Centre staff provide a completely confidential service to everyone, including teenagers and the under 16 year olds. This means we will not tell anyone about your visit. The only rare exception is if you are at risk of very serious harm. We will always try to inform you first.
A completely confidential contraception and sexual health service is provided by the Practice.
Fair Processing Notice
Our fair processing notice explains why the GP practice collects information about you and how that information may be used.
Please download out 'Fair Processing Notice' document for further information.
Proxy Access
For further information on proxy access please speak to the reception team.
Integrated Care Record for Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent
One Health and Care
A five minute information YouTube video about the integrated care record for Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent, One Health and Care.
NHS Summary Care Records
As part of a mandatory, national programme each GP Practice will have to make a summary care record for each patient (unless the patient has already opted out). Please read the information regarding this.
If you wish to opt out download and complete the opt out form and return to the Practice (see below).
Information Website
Summary Care Records on the NHS Digital website.
Information Leaflets and Opt Out Form
Supplementary Privacy Notice for Summary Care Records
Your Summary Care Record information and responding to coronavirus (COVID 19).